Sunday, September 7, 2008

Welcome Back!

The new school year has just begun and I can already tell it's going to be one of the best ever! There are a number of new juniors living in the house this year, including Benjamin D'Innocenzo '10, Logan Good '10 and Nick Butterini '10. The spirit of brotherhood is clearly evident in the atmosphere around the house on a regular basis and so far everything has been going very well. When we get some up to date photos, we will surely post them asap. Hope everyone is enjoying the last few warm days!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Chi Phi Brothers meet up in France!

Alex Liscio and Nick Butterini are vacationing there, while Dave Fisher is working at the US embassy.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Dale Watkins in Asia

"Over the summer, I will be heading to Thailand and back to Vietnam where I will be working for a company called Rustic Pathways. The company leads cultural immersion tours for high school students, and I will be one of the people leading the Vietnam program." - Dale Watkins

Dale is returning to this side of the world. He went abroad fall '08 to Vietnam.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Upsilon Brothers Abroad!

Keegan Prue '09 and Adam Malitz '09 in Geneva, Switzlrnd

Greeting Alums and Brothers from Geneva, Switzerland! For the academic year 2007-2008 we have had ten Brothers study abroad. This year August Gerhardt ‘09, Jeff Brauer ‘08, Chris Slaby ‘09, Dale Watkins ‘09, Keegan Prue ‘09, Corson Fidler ‘09, Gary Anthony ‘10, Ian Barton ‘09, Hristo “Itso” Dimitrov ‘08 and Adam Malitz ‘09 have been studying all over the globe, from Europe to Asia. It has been an exciting time for Upsilon because several Brothers have planned trips to meet up with each other in Europe, some have even made plans to meet up with Alums. Through email it is apparent that everyone has had a wonderful experience. While in Geneva, Keegan Prue ‘09, Gary Anthony ‘10, and Adam Malitz ‘09 met up at a bar called Spring Brothers. Somehow there is a shot named after Chi Phi that consists of one half Southern Comfort and one half Amaretto. It was quite good. A trip is being organized for Amsterdam.


Adam Malitz ‘09

Above is a beautiful shot of something in Paris, maybe Malitz
will fill us in on this at a later date?